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HomeAnalysisThe Dark Side of Power: Underworld and Organized Crimes

The Dark Side of Power: Underworld and Organized Crimes


Organized crimes can be designated as the silent killers of democracy as it deters the individual from exercising their rights and creates an environment of fear. An organized crime, just like an organized business, runs with the motive to earn profit but the only difference is that the former is illegal and disturbs society by promoting violence and terror. Thorsten Stellin, a Swedish sociologist, has described organized crimes as “an enterprise organized for the purpose of making economic gain through illegal activities”.  


The main motive to run an organized crime is to earn profit. However, it is merely a component of organized crime. The other components are: 


The people involved in the crime are ranked and based on their rank they perform their work to run the crime. A typical hierarchy of organized crime involves- Lords, Henchmen/lieutenants and runners. The former are powerful and generally hold respectable positions in society and thus, they work in disguise to maintain their prestige while earning illicit profits.  

Henchmen carry out the orders of the leaders who are lords whereas the runners work on ground ,i.e. they deal with society and are marginally associated with organized crimes. The members at the middle are generally pulled up from the lower levels. This hierarchical structure is bound by the tight rope of unity and loyalty and thus, making it hard to detect. 


The groups acting within the ambit of organized crime may be trained to carry out one crime or multiple crimes. It may include specialization in using arms and even crimes to perfectly execute the business of contrabands. 


The people within the hierarchy of organized crime are loyal to their criminal groups. Moreover, every business of the crime is kept secret and is concealed. They are not allowed to disclose their criminal assignments to anyone, which may even include their colleagues within the mafia. It is one of the rules of conduct they have to follow. 


Although there is no evidence that can prove the existence of the set of rules of conduct of these groups. But some philosophers have suggested that these groups work on the basis of certain directives. These directives may include-

1. One cannot be an informer for enforcement agencies.

2. Keep your eyes and ears open while mouth shut.

3. Do not interfere in the matters of others, etc…

These rules are to be followed otherwise the breachers have to face the consequences which may include death. 


These crimes are continuous and don’t stop even if the lords are dead or some members are apprehended. Thus, it is very difficult to extinguish a cartel. 


Like any other business, the motive of a cartel or a mafia is to earn profit or financial gain. However, these cartels are illegitimate as they use violence and commit crimes against society. Sometimes, gang wars between two cartels may even cause breach of public order and peace. 


It would be wrong to say that the sole purpose of an organized crime is to gain profits. They want to make power and use it to create a monopoly. To create monopoly, the cartels or syndicates may even fight gang wars which involve reckless use of violence and weapons. 


Everything is done with proper planning and the work is divided within the hierarchy and subcategories within the one rank of the hierarchical system may be made to work more efficiently. This also minimizes the risk and ensures safety.  


This authority may be vested in a group or even in an individual. These are generally lords, and it ensures a centralized control over all the members. 


These groups are not restricted to an area, but they have global connections. They operate in more than one country as international borders are no barrier to their operation. They form a nexus to operate the crime globally which involves multiple global offenders, and the work is divided among them. 


The group of criminals’ work in a team with due loyalty and unity. Those who betray the team suffer harsh punishment. 


Some Funds from the profits are kept reserved as capital to be used for protection of the arrested persons and their families. 



There are three major forms of organized crimes – Gang Criminality, Rackets and Syndicates. Gangs are composed of hardened criminals who do not hesitate to use violence, and it may include crimes like kidnapping, robbery etc. Rackets are engaged in the extortion of money from both legitimate and illegitimate businesses. When the business is legitimate, these gangs to offer protection from the ruckus that is created by them only and the businessman has no choice but to accept the protection whereas they earn money using illegitimate business of prostitutions, drug trafficking etc.. Lastly, the syndicates furnish contraband and illegal services. They avoid using violence and conduct the trade peacefully to gain illicit profits. 

These organized crimes are known by different names like mafia, cartels, syndicates, triads, yakuza etc. 



There are different forms of organized crimes happening in India. Few of them include terrorism, narcotics trafficking, cybercrimes, arms smuggling, estate racketeering. 

Some of them are explained as follows: 


 Estate racketeering involves illegal activities related to property, such as Land grabbing, property extortion, forced acquisition, Forgery and manipulation of property documents and threats and violence against property owners 

Modus Operandi 

  1. Identifying vulnerable property owners (e.g., elderly, absentees)
  2. Using strong-arm tactics or coercion to acquire property
  3. Forging documents, such as sale deeds and power of attorney
  4. Colluding with corrupt officials and law enforcement
  5. Using shell companies and benami transactions

Narcotics trafficking is a significant organized crime issue in India, with the country’s strategic location making it a hub for international drug trade. Types of Narcotics Trafficking: Opium and heroin trafficking, Cocaine trafficking, Cannabis trafficking, Synthetic drugs (e.g., methamphetamine, MDMA), Prescription drug abuse etc.. 

   Modus Operandi: 

  1. Concealment in cargo, vehicles, or human carriers
  2. Use of fake identities and documents
  3. Corruption and bribery of officials
  4. Violence and intimidation


These groups make arrangements to play safe and gain profits. It is hardly possible to detect and burst the group. Some of the protective measures so taken are described as follows: 

  • Internal security measures
  1. Hierarchical structure: Clear chain of command and defined roles.
  2. Loyalty tests: Ensuring members’ commitment and loyalty.
  3. Oath of silence (omertà): Secrecy and non-cooperation with law enforcement.
  4. Internal discipline: Punishing traitors and maintaining order.
  5. Secure communication: Encryption, codes, and secure phones.
  • Counterintelligence
  1. Infiltrating law enforcement: Moles and informants within agencies.
  2. Intelligence gathering: Monitoring investigators and operations.
  3. Disinformation: Spreading false information to mislead authorities.
  4. Counter-surveillance: Detecting and evading surveillance.
  • External protection measures 
  1. Corruption: Bribing officials, law enforcement, and politicians.
  2. Intimidation: Threats, violence, and retaliation against witnesses and investigators.
  3. Network expansion: Building alliances with other criminal groups.
  4. Legitimization: Investing in legitimate businesses and philanthropy.
  • Financial Security 
  1. Money laundering: Concealing illicit funds.
  2. Diversification: Investing in various illegal activities.
  3. Emergency funds: Stashing money for unexpected expenses.
  4. Offshore accounts: Hiding assets in tax havens.
  • Technological Advancements 
  1. Encryption: Secure communication and data protection.
  2. Cryptocurrencies: Anonymous financial transactions.
  3. Social media monitoring: Tracking law enforcement and rival groups.
  4. Cybercrime: Hacking and disrupting opponents’ operations.



It can be said that with the advancement of technology these groups have become more advanced and thus, it has become nearly impossible to detect these groups and burst their operation. However, various steps are being taken by the government which includes: 

  •   The NCRB has created a framework for data protection and analysis to help combat organized crimes. 
  •  The Crime and Criminal Tracking & Network System (CCTNS) has been implemented to connect police stations across the country and facilitate data sharing. 
  • The Government of India has set a target to implement the second phase of the Inter-operable Criminal Justice System (ICJS) by 2026. 














Kashish Mahajan
Kashish Mahajan
Ambitious and passionate individual pursuing career in law, driven by desire to make a positive impact


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